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As a trained ChildLight children's mindfulness and yoga instructor, I have created lesson plans to implement in the classroom or at home. They are differentiated by age groups. I would highly recommend taking the steps necessary to become certified before implementing yoga in a classroom.


Intro to Yoga

Opening Activities: Happy sitting pose (criss-cross apple sauce). Welcome song

Welcome ______ Welcome_______

It's Yoga time, It's Yoga time

We're very glad to see you, We're very glad to see you

Ring the chime. Ring the chime.

*product of ChildLight Yoga*


Breathwork: In & Out breath

This is done in the happy sitting pose or lying down.

Instruct the children to breathe in and fill their belly up like a balloon.

On the out-breath, they release all the air. This can be done with a prop, I use a Hoberman Sphere.


Songs: The Goldfish song by Laurie Berkner

I'm a little teapot - at tip me over and pour me out, you tip into triangle pose.


Warm-up: Butterfly Pose to toes to the sky or boat pose 3x


Games: Ring Around the Rosie

Ball rolling- use a yoga ball and roll it to the person across from you.


Poses: Child, Cat, Cow, Down Dog, and Tree


Relaxation/ Visualization:

Breathing Buddies with music. I use plastic water toys that the children place on their bellies. When they breathe in the buddy should pop up and when they breathe out, the buddies should sink down. I play a Kira Wiley song during this time.

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