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Mindful moments for kids


Kira Willey has created many different soundtracks for children to reduce stress, anxiety, and develop mindfulness skills.


Listening to a bell

This can be done with a bell or chime. All one has to do is ring the bell or chime and ask the students to listen and raise their hands when they can't hear it anymore. This activity can be used in a morning meeting, at home, or before a physical activity such as yoga. This can help with focus and creates a calm, quiet environment.


Listening to other sounds

Mindful listening can be done without the use of a bell or chime. Students can simply be asked to close their eyes and listen closely and identify 3-5 sounds they can hear in any setting. 


For example:

  1. fan

  2. movement

  3. cars outside

  4. wind

  5. dogs barking

This can help with focus and impulse control.

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